Brand is the bridge that connects your mission to your marketing.

What We Do

We help organizations build a solid foundation that aligns audiences, messaging, image, and experiences so that communications drive strategic goals forward.

With that clarity, organizations can communicate in infinite ways without getting pulled off their center. Through consulting and creative work, we’ll guide you there.

Print & Digital Publications

Revolutionizing a Beloved Membership Magazine

The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society was looking for a digital solution to their quarterly magazine, GROW, that wouldn’t lose the impact of beautiful imagery and engaging stories.

Events & Campaigns

Streamlining Reunion Communications

Yale Law School’s Alumni Relations staff needed efficient tools to promote reunion and support volunteers.

Brand Strategy & Identity

Refocusing Brand to Support a New Strategic Plan

Delaware Art Museum knew it didn’t just need to do something different, it needed to be something different

Events & Campaigns

Growing Giving State-wide in Delaware

Spur Impact, in partnership with United Way of Delaware, needed toolkits to promote the state’s largest giving day.

The AMIE Process

We believe in audience-centered marketing and that starts with aligning your brand with the right audience. The right one is the one that allows you to reach your strategic goals.

AMIE stands for Audience, Message, Image, and Experience. It’s the framework we use to guide our brand strategy projects. This philosophy, however, is built into everything we do, even when the project isn’t a branding project.

This thinking ensures that in every project we’ve considered the audience and what they value. It allows us to not only to align message and image with your key audience in mind, but to choose the right tactics to reach them. Our goal is to support exceptional experiences that inspire action.

Asking WHO and WHY always leads us to WHAT, WHEN and HOW.

Our Specialties

Brand Strategy & Identity

Branding projects can create deep transformation leading to better engagement, stronger relationships and an energized staff.

Print & Digital Publications

Ongoing storytelling is one of the strongest ways to move your audiences from awareness to engagement.

Events & Campaign Marketing

Whether your need is in positioning the program or delivering cohesive marketing, we can design a plan to support your strategy.

Marketing Support

Don’t let the disruption of a gap in staffing put your communications off track. Let us help by picking up the day-today duties or moving a key project forward.

For nearly 30 years we’ve focused all our attention on the journey of visitors, students, members and donors. Nonprofit organizations deserve specialists who speak the same language and solve your specific problems.

We don’t just listen – we hear and understand. Let us help focus your vision.

How Can We Help?

Need help building a brand that connects? Contact us to start building stronger relationships and better engagement for your organization.