Delaware Hospice

The Difference Between Reporting Information and Sharing Impact

Print & Digital Publications

Annual Report Design


Established in 1982, Delaware Hospice became Delaware’s first hospice center. To this day, the organization is the largest and leading licensed nonprofit community-based hospice serving both Delaware and southeast Pennsylvania. Over the years, programming has expanded to include a continuum of care, including Delaware Palliative, a community-based program for patients receiving treatment for a serious illness, and Delaware Transitions, a resource that provides nonmedical support to community members with serious or chronic conditions.

Iris partnered with Delaware Hospice for five years on comprehensive communications. During that time, a key resource was their annual report.

Communicating Impact

Delaware Hospice’s annual reports had been focused on facts, data, and numbers. We encouraged them to turn that information into a story that communicates the outcomes of their work. The new impact reports began gathering family stories and showcasing visual infographics to tie the data to the experience that patients receive.


Shifting from talking about what you’ve accomplished to how your work impacts others is transformative. The new impact reports allow donors and potential funders to see beyond the numbers.

How Can We Help?

Need help building a brand that connects? Contact us to start building stronger relationships and better engagement for your organization.